Six Tips for a Better Night's Sleep
- Author: Bryan Miller
- Posted: 2024-12-15
Best ways to relieve stress are through movement and meditation. 3. Turn OFF your devices
I know it's hard, but the blue light from our screens and devices disrupts our wake-sleep cycle, so turn them off! 4. Stick to the same bedtime
(enough said, but difficult to follow if you're trying to have fun once in awhile!) 5. Produce a sleep sanctuary
Your bedroom is only for sleep and sex.
And the most important tip" 6. Lower or raise the temperature to ~65° (at least according to a Harvard study )
This temp naturally coincides with the release of melatonin, an aid to sleep. BONUS: If you want to save money during the winter given rising gas / energy prices, Blast Heat is for you!
Sweet dreams!