Looking at Retiring Soon? These Wellness Grants Could be Lifesavers
- Author: Michael Bordonada
- Posted: 2024-11-26
If, however, you're experiencing retirement-related anxiety, remember you're not alone! Millions of seniors are going through exactly what you are. The wellness industry has also realized that this is a deceptively stressful time for many. That's why these trends have cropped up. More and more retired Americans are turning to the wellness industry. In turn, grants for wellness have become more common. Here's what they're doing.
Instructor-Led Exercise Programs
Remember to check with your physician before you begin any exercise program. While they benefit a good number of seniors, some types of exercise may increase risk for serious conditions, like heart attacks. The Keiser Institute on Aging provides free grants to lower-income seniors that can kickstart free programs of this nature in their communities!
Instructor-led fitness programs are becoming more commonplace at senior homes. The reason is that exercise releases "feel-good" endorphins and is generally necessary to have on a regular basis. It provides a baseline routine and can help with preventing and helping a variety of health ailments in addition to standard medical treatment.
Meditation has also been a huge hit in retirement homes. Many older people are uncertain about their futures. With an economy that seems to constantly tip one way or the other, daily stresses, and more, meditation provides a temporary way out of the madness. Rather than use chemicals, this approach takes advantage of your inherent ability to focus deeply and let irrelevant thoughts come in and out but not control you.
There are two main ways that meditation options are offered. The first is instructor-led, more traditional meditation. This tends to be more expensive, but it can be helpful and encouraging to be surrounded by people doing exactly what you're doing. Instructor-led sessions tend to begin with yoga and end with individual meditation. People who are naturally anxious may have trouble doing the initial exercises, another reason why it could be helpful to have an in-person instructor. Just like it does with traditional exercise, Keiser provides grants to cover this type of yoga and meditation free of charge!
If you do not qualify for such a grant, the good news is that you can still meditate with some assistance. Apps such as "Headspace" are available for all major phones and will guide you through meditation experiences. The best part is that most of these are free to at least try, so you'll have one fewer financial burden!
If Your Facility Doesn't Offer These
If you've been reading through this and thinking "there's no way my facility would ever pay for this", you may be right. However, that doesn't mean that they wouldn't accept free money to be able to renovate and provide these services. The Older Americans Act is a little-known federal law that provides money to renovate senior centers and pay for basic necessities like exercise facilities.
It can also help to provide more nutritious meals to seniors if you're not being provided the food you need to thrive. Don't hesitate to contact participating agencies to see if your center qualifies! You'll need to look up agencies that operate on grants based on the "OAA" first.
Does This Seem Confusing?
It may seem counter-intuitive to need to apply for grants in old age. As a matter of fact, many seniors are under the impression that society has simply forgotten about them, which is not true. However, you may need to take initiative in securing funding for your current housing arrangement.
If you live alone in a house, you may need to consider selling it first and moving to a senior community to qualify for these types of grants. However, once you're inside a satisfactory senior living facility, you'll be able to suggest that the facility itself applies for grants or even apply for grants on their behalf! No facility would turn down federal money, and this could be a great way to get those programs you need.