Wisconsin Organization Accused of Vote Bribing Through Grants
- Author: Chris Remington
- Posted: 2024-10-19
Like or dislike President Donald Trump, any objective observer would have to agree that this presidency is perhaps the most polarizing in American history. Even back in the early days of America, with President George Washington and half the nation that still wanted to exist as a vassal under England's monarchy, things were not this contentious. One of the more recent talking points from Trump that really splits people's allegiances is that there is massive voter fraud in the nation, and many don't like hearing it or don't believe it. The thing is, however, all evidence points to this being the truth, with the news out of Wisconsin the latest in a long line of stories about voter fraud, outright and potential.
A conservative group out of Wisconsin has recently filed a lawsuit against the state, alleging that some of the larger cities in the state are using $6 million in grant money given specifically to different voting districts in order to purchase people's votes. In a legal sense, this would be considered a bribe.
How it works traditionally with cash fraud cases is that this grant money becomes outright cash when in the hands of these local districts and polling precincts, which then goes into the hands of voters as a quid pro quo type of deal, literally buying votes for Democratic candidates.
The Wisconsin Voters Alliance is the group that filed the lawsuit. They allege that things are working a bit differently. They're filing suit because every penny of grant money that the Center for Tech and Civic Life handed out to different cities is going only to Democrats. Democratic campaigns, Democratic polling precincts, and areas that already have Democratic representation.
"If the idea is to help bolster safe elections," an anonymous member of the group said, "then you would want to ensure that both sides have a fair shot. Only financially supporting one party is the definition of unfair, which makes it both hypocritical and illegal." The lawsuit is currently in its earliest stages, though most do not expect it to go too far.
Whether a cynical view, a snapshot of reality, or a paranoid take, most expect that because Wisconsin's cities are so Democrat heavy, there's no way they will allow this lawsuit to stand. This will earn them a lot of scorn from conservatives, but since conservatives don't have a presence there, there's not too much they or anyone else can do. If the city wishes to give money out in a one-sided fashion, they can.
For conservatives, this is a hair-pulling situation, but it's absolutely the truth. And it should scare everyone, regardless of which party is doing it. Just mull it over for a second. The party that is potentially bribing voters also gets to decide whether or not the money they're giving out in a partisan fashion is a bribe. It's very scary stuff.
Even still, mainstream media ensures Americans that voter fraud has no consequences.
How a Little Fraud Goes a Long Way
Some people say that a little bit of voter fraud doesn't matter. Mainstream news networks like MSNBC, CNN and the New York Times are all on record quite often claiming that a few thousand votes don't make a difference. However, we understand how math works, and they only seem to understand partisan talking points. Here is a quick breakdown that's objective mathematically.
Speaking for something large-scale like the Electoral College, what we find is that it's often one or two counties in a state that swing it red or blue. Everyone old enough remembers the Gore-Bush election in 2000, where hundreds of votes literally hung in the balance (CHAD reference) to decide which nominee won the Electoral College votes for the state and became president. Hypothetically, 500 fraudulent votes could have swung a county in either direction. While there are around 200 million registered voters in America, mainstream news will tell you a few thousand here or there isn't a "problem." But is objectively is.
This becomes even more dangerous with local elections. In New York, for instance, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won her recent 14th District primary with only around 45,000 votes. Only around 60,000 are cast. Imagine even 1% of those votes were fraudulent.
No one is saying that this is the case; though if it were in fact the case, you realize how easy elections are to steal. This is why it's so important to crack down on all forms of election fraud, including trashing ballots, intimidation, and especially bribes.