Grants Offered to Increase Vaccine Distribution
- Author: Jacob Greene
- Posted: 2024-12-09
In a bid to help America get past the pandemic and back to normal life, former President Trump created Project Warp Speed and funded multiple pharmaceutical corporations and other scientists in order to create a vaccine, and some worked on their own initiative through their own funding to create their own. The end result was four different vaccines to combat COVID in under a year. It is a very unprecedented happening in the world of medicine, and no other country in world history has been able to accomplish such a feat. Though a lot of medical professionals, Big PHarma, and nearly all of media agree that not enough people are taking the vaccine. This is why Colorado is offering grant money to people in the medical industry who will create mobilization efforts to get more people vaccinated
These grants are available through the end of November and are available in sums of either $60,000 or $120,000, and are available to healthcare facilities of all sorts of who apply. As far as we can tell, the only real condition is that the healthcare practice must be officially licensed. These grants are also not availble for individual doctors and nurses, unless they have a licensed and registered individual practice. TO date, no one has received teh grants yet. THey were just announced earlier this week. Though already there are dozens of different practices lining up to apply.
The money is aimed to be spent to help vaccine mobilization. Of course, the vaccine is available to every American free or charge; they just have to show up to a facility to get it. By mobilizing these errots, different medical trailers and tents can be set up to give people easier access to the vaccines. Experts believe a lot of this money will go into creating pro-vaccine advertisements to hopefully change people's minds about getting the vaccine. Some of this money may also be spent on hiring more people to assist in things like organizing and checking people in, etc.
Docdotrs obviously make decent money, and the vaccines are provided for free by all four corporations who made them; though when it comes to the funds to increase these vaccine efforts, the individual practices around the state simply cannot afford it. This is why Colorado is willing to offer these grants, and the initial reports are that the state commission is not going to be very picky in who gets the grants. As long as it's a licensed practice, Colorado wants them distributing the vaccine. This also includes using the grants as an incentive for practices to start giving out the vaccine where they haven't done so previously. It's expected that thousands will end up apply from now through November, and all the recipients should be announced before the start of next year.
The Reason Some are Hesitant
Ironically enough, one of the main reasons so many people are so hesitant about this particular vaccine is that states like Colorado are willing to pay people over $100,000 to hand it out. The thinking is that if the vaccine is so effective, it wouldn't take bribing people with donuts and free gas to take it, and doctors wouldn't need to be paid extra to administer it. Of course, the way the mainstream media depicts vaccine hesitancy is as anti-vaccine, or "anti-vax." The truth is that these people mostly all have vaccines for measles and mumps and for the seasonable flu. What the don't trust is the COVID vaccine, as they feel not enough research has been done on it.
These people are flatly called anti-science and ignorant, while governments go out of their way to force the vaccine on them in one way or another. A few prominent health officials have spoken up about this and have suggested that instead of governments and the media going out of their way to shame people into getting the vaccine, the charge should instead be led by actual doctors who are working in hospitals and not just appearing as guest analysts on CNN. The thinking is that bribing people with donuts and incentives, or shaming them as ignorant, is really a bad way to promote something good. What should happen in its place, according to some, is that real medical doctors lay out the information about the vaccine in a friendly way.
It's impossible to predict how these vaccines will be treated. For instance, if a measure like Colorado's grants fail to get everyone vaccinated, the state has more than enough political power to force it on people through law.