Wisconsin Organization Accused of Vote Bribing Through Grants

Like or dislike President Donald Trump, any objective observer would have to agree that this presidency is perhaps the most polarizing in American history. Even back in the early days of America, with President G...


Are You an Educator Looking for Grant Funding? Try These Ideas

The financial challenges brought about by the COVID-19 health crisis has made grant funding more important than ever. This need is even more apparent in the field of education. With many schools being forced to ...


Largest Ever Puerto Rican FEMA Infrastructure Grant Award Just Announced

As a United States territory, Puerto Rico is technically eligible for all sorts of government grants. However, the small island region is often left out of many federal funding opportunities. In a reco...


Local Songwriters Can Apply for Grants

You may not hear a lot about it on the news, with everything that's going on in America today, but some of the hardest hit groups in America amid the Covid-19 pandemic were self-employed artists, such as painters, sculptors and musicia...


New Property Owner Grants in Honolulu

Hawaii is unlike any other American state in the union. It's a series of islands in the Pacific Ocean and has a very tropical climate and a majority of its own indigenous people. As islands, they were more protected from the novel coron...


LA Dodgers Give out $1 Million in Grants

The Los Angeles Dodgers have been one of California's most beloved sporting franchises since moving to California from Brooklyn, New York many decades ago. Of course, the Dodgers are a franchise with Major League Baseball (MLB)...


Essential Elements for Your Grant Proposal to Ensure Success in Funding

You cannot expect to write a winning grant proposal without an outline that will effectively convey your need for the money. Grant writing has become a science. If you cannot afford to hire a profession...


Emergency Aid Relief Available for Small Businesses in the State of Maine

Emergency Aid Relief Available for Small Businesses in the State of Maine Governor Janet Mills introduced $200 million in grants for small businesses and nonprofits in the beautiful state of Maine. S...


"Buy Local" Grants Aim to Support Local Businesses

One of the things that makes America's economy so strong on a world stage is its relentless approach to small businesses operating a large portion of commerce. While Walmart and Target might be international conglomer...


GOP Support Grows for Airline Payroll

America is a nation that has spent a lot of blood and treasure in wars to keep communism from growing around the globe. The reasoning of Americans a few generations ago was that a one-party system is too evil, because it's dictato...